Monday, April 12, 2010

Back to Robersport

Hi Everyone,
I had a great weekend. We went back to Robertsport, the beautiful fishing community up north. It is about 2 hours outside of Monrovia, and just about 30 minutes south of Sierra Leone.  The beach is so unspoiled there. It goes on for miles and miles, with no development. There is hardly any one else there, except for some fisherman.  They go out in the morning with large nets that they pull in from the beach. There is one person out on a boat trying to organize the net.  The water is about 80 degrees! It is beautiful.

We stay in a place called Nana's lodge, which is an upscale eco friendly tent community.  The tents are luxurious, with nice beds, electricity, refrigerator etc.   They are right on the beach, so you can sit on your balcony and see the beach.  It is so nice! If this beach was in the US it would be totally developed by now.  I will try to upload pictures.  Hope everyone is well. I leave Liberia on Friday. Things are going well! Look forward to seeing everyone.


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